Llegué de Padova a Bologna muy contenta, todo iba de acuerdo al plan y el trayecto en el tren fue tranquilo. En la estación de Bolognia me perdí al salir, era enorme pero con suerte y un poco de rabia pude encontrar la salida e ir al B&B Asinelli que por cierto casi no lo encuentro porque estaba dentro de un edificio y no había aviso. Era creo que en el quinto piso... -_- Una mujer me abrió la puerta y me dio las llaves de la habitación y del apartamento. Comí de la mesita destinada para el desayuno como un marrano antes de irme a explorar la ciudad -También hice mi almuerzo en la habitation, ensalada de bolsa con atún-. A continuación un mapa de mas o menos como fue mi ruta.
Ese culito que no pase hambre, Fountain of Neptune, Piazza del Nettuno
La fuente de Neptuno según Wikipedia:
The Fountain of Neptune (Italian: Fontana di Nettuno) is a monumental civic fountain located in the eponymous square, Piazza del Nettuno, next to Piazza Maggiore, in Bologna, Italy[1] Its bronze figure of Neptune, extending his reach in a lordly gesture of stilling and controlling the waters, is an early work by Giambologna, completed about 1567.[2]
An innovation of Giambologna's fountain designs is the fantastic and non-geometrical forms he gave to the basins into which water splashed and flowed, "curiously folded, bulging and elastic in form", as Rosalind Grippi remarked.[3] The fountain is a model example of Mannerist taste of the courtly elite in the mid-sixteenth century: construction of the statue was commissioned by the Cardinal Legate of the city, Charles Borromeo, to symbolize the fortunate recent election of Borromeo's uncle as Pope Pius IV.
está claro que quiero sonreir para la selfie pero mis dientes no me lo permiten. :P
basilica di san petronio
Wikipedia sobre la basilica:
The Basilica of San Petronio is the main church of Bologna, Emilia Romagna, northern Italy. It dominates Piazza Maggiore. It is the tenth-largest church in the world by volume, 132 metres long and 66 metres wide, while the vault reaches 45 metres inside and 51 metres in the facade. With its volume of 258,000 m³, it is the largest (Gothic or otherwise) church built of bricks in the world.[1]
Palazzo Comunale
Palazzo d'Accursio (or Palazzo Comunale) is a palace once formulated to house major administrative offices of the city of Bologna, region of Emilia-Romagna, Italy. It is located on the Piazza Maggiore, and is the city's Town Hall. The palace is also home to the Civic Art Collection, with paintings from the Middle Ages to the 19th century; the Museo Morandi, with the works by Giorgio Morandi; and the Biblioteca Salaborsa, the town libraries.
Palazzo della Mercanzia, Piazza della Mercanzia
The Seven Churches
Basilica di Santo Stefano
According to tradition Saint Petronius, a bishop of the city during the 5th century, built the basilica over a temple of the goddess Isis. The saint wished to have a building that recalled the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The different parts of the complex include: Church of Saint Stephen or of the Holy Crucifix (8th century, presbytery reshaped in 17th century), with the Crypt Church of the Holy Sepulchre (according to tradition: 5th century) Church of the Saints Vitale and Agricola (4th century, rebuilt first in the 12th century) Courtyard of Pilate ("Santo Giardino", 13th century) Church of the Trinity or of the Martyrium (13th century) Chapel of the Bandage ("Cappella della Benda") dedicated to the strip of cloth worn around the head by the Virgin Mary as a sign of mourning.
Ex Chiesa di Santa Lucia
The original church was built here since 432, assigned its titular saint by San Petronio. Ruined by the Hungarian invasion of 903, in 1208 the Order of Canons Lateran rebuilt another church, and officiated here til 1418. In the 1500s, the church and the adjacent convent became property of the Jesuits, who rebuilt the church. Starting in 1623, the interiors were refurbished by Girolamo Rainaldi in a style recalling the mother church of the Jesuit order, the Gesù in Rome. In 1775, with the suppression of the Jesuits, the church briefly passed to the Barnabite order,[2] only to be cloistered by Napoleonic forces. The interior has a chapel dedicated St Louis Gonzaga with an altar (1763) designed by Alfonso Torreggiani.[3]
basilica di san domenico
The Basilica of San Domenico is one of the major churches in Bologna, Italy. The remains of Saint Dominic, founder of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans), are buried inside the exquisite shrine Arca di San Domenico, made by Nicola Pisano and his workshop, Arnolfo di Cambio and with later additions by Niccolò dell'Arca and the young Michelangelo.
El orto... morí.
Amooor!!! ¿de qué color quieres el carro? -pues no sé... a mí me gustan todos los calores... -No se diga más!
Le due Torri: Garisenda e degli Asinelli
They are located at the intersection of the roads that lead to the five gates of the old ring wall (mura dei torresotti). It was located at the site of the early medieval Gate to the Via Emilia, the Porta Ravennate, now remembered by the name of the adjacent Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. The taller tower is called the Asinelli while the smaller but more leaning tower is called the Garisenda.
Cuando terminé mi recorrido, fui al supermercadoPam que quedaba en una esquina a una cuadra del B&B. Compré todo lo que creía iba a necesitar para el resto de la noche, para el desayuno y para el almuerzo del día siguiente ya que estaría en pompeii y seguramente no podría gastar mi tiempo en tiendas, Iba al sur de italia!!!
Definitivamente nada más rico que bañarse aquí luego de un largo y duro día.
Dormí en la cama pequeña, no me gustan grandes.
A la mañana siguiente me desperté tempranito, ni eran las cuatro cuando comencé a a hacer mi ejercicio diario y desayunar para irme a la estación. Des afortunadamente olvidé mis gafas (Especiales medicadas) dentro de la habitación e hice severo escándalo para que me abrieran (Al final estaban todo el rato en el bolsillo de mi chaqueta... que peenaaaaa!!! dioooos, los viajes me ponen la cabeza de loca), eran casi las 6 de la manana y luego me vi corriendo como una desesperada a la estación con llovizna y la casa en la espalda -_- ;(
Me encantó Bologna, muy bonita y se veía mucha juventud. Una ciudad encantadora, llena de vida, cultura, progreso. ooohhh me encantaría tener un apartamento de vacaciones allí pero soy pooobreeeee jajajajajaja Simplemente se sintió familiar para mí estar allí. Mi tren salió directo a Salerno y de allí hice cambio a otro que iba en dirección a Napoli pero hacía parada en pompeii.
Un poco de info sobre trenes ... :)
Tenía que hacer una Selfie JIJIJI
El mejor baño en un transporte publico que he visto. ;)
Las rutas
Di la vuelta más estúpida de mi vida porque así me dijeron por la calle que se llegaba.... vida hpta.
La estación de trenes...
Un dragooón!!!
Había una fila horrible!! la entrada creo que costó 15 euros para no europeos ni residentes.
Para ser honesta, me dejé perder todo el rato y caminé como si no hubiera un mañana, pero era impresionante y lo disfruté mucho.
Lo que dice Wikipedia de Pompeii:
Pompeii was an ancient Roman city near modern Naples in the Campania region of Italy, in the territory of the comune of Pompei. Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area (e.g. at Boscoreale, Stabiae), was buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. Many of the inhabitants were also buried before they could escape. The catastrophe was described in a surviving letter by Pliny the Younger who saw the eruption from a distance and described the death of his uncle Pliny the Elder, an admiral of the Roman fleet, who tried to rescue citizens. The site was eventually lost until its initial rediscovery in 1599 and broader rediscovery almost 150 years later by Spanish engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre in 1748.[1] The city has been largely preserved because of lack of air and moisture. The artefacts preserved provide an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of the city. During excavations liquid plaster was used to fill the voids in the ash that once held human and animal bodies giving often gruesome images of their last moments. Pompeii has been a tourist destination for over 250 years. Today it has UNESCO World Heritage Site status and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy, with approximately 2.5 million visitors every year.[2]Excavations have recommenced in some unexplored areas of the city and have yielded interesting results.[3][4][5]
By the 1st century AD, Pompeii was one of a number of towns near the base of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius. The area had a substantial population, which had grown prosperous from the region's renowned agricultural fertility. Many of Pompeii's neighbouring communities, most famously Herculaneum, also suffered damage or destruction during the 79 eruption. The eruption occurred on 24 August AD 79, just one day after Vulcanalia, the festival of the Roman god of fire, including that from volcanoes.[20]
Mamá!!!!! se quemó el pastel!!!!
Me encantan los viñedos.
Soy famosa...
Me preparé una deliciosa ensalada mientras la gente caminaba como ratones hambrientos en el laberinto, jajajajajja (Solo se conseguía comida basura Muahaha) Si alguna vez llego a ser madre, definitivamente le educaré sobre alimentos y no le daré mierdas que reciben los niños de hoy.
Preciosa vista a la hora del almuerzo jiji
Me encantan los árboles, me recuerdan a algo... pero no sé qué.
Pompeii es un sitio increíble, único en el mundo y lo había querido visitar desde que era muy niña ya que me impresionó mucho cuando lo vi por discovery channel (Cuando era en verdad científico en lugar de reparación de autos y alienígenas). Pompeii siempre resonó en mi memoria, aquella catástrofe.... gente muriendo quemada... que horror. Una verdadera pesadilla.
A la salida del centro arqueológico había un autobús esperando gente para ir al monte vesuvio, al parecer había salidas cada cierto tiempo durante el día, yo quería ir pero el tiempo no me dejaba ;( . Pasé por un supermercado grande de Carrefour, el único de ese tamaño hasta la fecha y me vi tentada a entrar a comprarme un super pollo asado que tanto me moría por comer pero la hora se burlaba de mi ;( Fui directa a la estación de trenes para ir a portici y hacer checkin en el hotel. chao pompeii!!me encantó todo💕💖
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