Italia 2018 - Genoa - Milan

No me sentía con ganas de irme de Sarzana, no quería continuar y como señal divina, el día amaneció horrible. Lluvia y nublado, frío. Así fue todo el trayecto desde Sarzana a la Spezia, pude ver el mismo mar que tanto me había hipnotizado casi un año atrás. Varias lágrimas rodaron por mis ojos, me perdí en los cristales húmedos que reflejaban mi rostro y traían recuerdos, palabras hirientes, palabras lindas, cosas de la vida...

Saliendo de la estación
En el puerto, desde allí salen varios cruceros
Pasé por el super acuario, que dicen que es de los mejores del mundo pero ni ganas de ver peces. Luego de mi experiencia por Maldivas ya nada me impresionaba. 
Por las calles de Genoa
Una cosa rarísima que tenía buena pinta. 

Porta Soprana
 Lo que dice Wikipedia:
The Porta Soprana or Porta di Sant'Andrea (in Ligurian Pòrta de Sant'Andria ) was one of the entrance doors to the city of Genoa . [1] Among the main medieval stone buildings of the Ligurian capital, is located on the top of the Sant'Andrea plain (not far from the homonymous hill, flattened at the beginning of the twentieth century ), from which it takes its name (the name Soprana is instead a corruption from Superana : the door was so called because it was raised compared to the city floor).
It was one of the gateways to the city at the time of the second Genoese wall ( IX or X century ); however, the current construction - following the extensive restoration work carried out under the direction of Alfredo D'Andrade - reproduces the appearance that the door must have at the time of its reconstruction during the construction of the third enclosure ( Mura del Barbarossa , 1155-1159) .
Not far from it is the house-museum of Christopher Columbus . Both the museum poles of the towers of the door and the house of Colombo are open to the public that can be visited.

Piazza De Ferrari
Wikipedia sobre la plaza:
 Piazza De Ferrari is the main square of Genoa.
Situated in the heart of the city between the historical and the modern center, Piazza De Ferrari is renowned for its fountain, which was restored in recent years along with a major restyling of the square.
Today next to Piazza De Ferrari are numerous office buildings, headquarters of banks, insurances and other private companies, making of this district the financial and business centre of Genoa, so that Gen
At the end of the 19th century Genoa was the main financial centre of Italy along with Milan, and Piazza De Ferrari was the place where many institutions were established, like the stock exchange, the Credito Italiano,[1] the branch offices of the Bank of Italy, founded in 1893.

Piazza Corvetto
Wikipedia sobre la plaza:
Piazza Corvetto , named after Luigi Emanuele Corvetto , Genoese politician of the Napoleonic era, is one of the largest and most elegant squares in Genoa . It is part of the district of Portoria and is centrally located. It is a few hundred meters from the central Piazza De Ferrari It is characterized by the gardens and flowerbeds of the avenue leading to the nearby Acquasola park and the imposing equestrian statue at the center of the roundabout , dedicated to Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy (very curious aspect because it was the King who ordered the repression military of the Moti di Genova of 1849 ), by the sculptor Francesco Barzaghi.
Luego de comprar mi billete para milán en la estación Genova Brignole, me di un paseíto por los alrededores a ver si encontraba una tienda. Por fin me daba hambre... pero no, no había naaaaaa. Aunque si me encontré con el Arco della Vittoria 

Wiki sobre el arco:
The Arco della Vittoria (Victory Arch), also known as Monumento ai Caduti or Arco dei Caduti (Arch of the Fallen), is a memorial arch located in Piazza della Vittoria (it) in Genoa, Italy. It is dedicated to the Genoese who died during World War I, and it was inaugurated on 31 May 1931. 

Tal vez el clima me afectó el juicio pero no vi Genoa como un sitio wow. Una mezcla de gran ciudad con su legado antiguo histórico que lucha por sobrevivir. 

Mi siguiente parada era Milan, Milano Lambrate. Me encantó el recorrido porque era salvaje y de un verde espeso maravilloso :)

Mi hotel era el hotel lugano, quedaba a una cuadra de la estación de metro y casi tres cuadras de la estación de trenes. a dos cuadras estaba un supermercado super barato, parecido a D1 en Colombia. tenían buenos precios que apetecía comerse todo jajajaja. Por lo menos podía comer con las tres B. Bueno, bonito y barato. 
Me encantaron, las probé cuando estaba por Tendola. 

Me fui a la Piazza Sant'Ambrogio, en la parada Ambrogio, simplemente fui... no tenía otro sitio para ir ni tiempo incursionando por las miles de calles de Milan. Me quedé en un solo punto por más de una hora... disfrutando de la lluvia y como mojaba mi rostro y pies (Me dio la pecueca más bestial jajaja :(  ) También había una academia de baile, para mi sorpresa, escuché música latinoamericana y regresé a mi adolescencia, cuando me interesaba aprender para gustar a los chicos... pendejadas pero me reí. 

colonna imperiale o colonna del Diavolo
Wiki sobre la columna:
The legend
The name of Colonna del Diavolo is due to a superstition linked to the presence of two holes on the column itself.
"The donnicciuole show with terror two holes that are seen in the column at the height of the person: and they tell them made by the devil with a cornata that he gave you, out of anger that he could not win the virtue of Ambrogio . They add that by placing your ear you hear a grim hum, that "must come right from hell", when they were familiar with the sounds of devils. Is it necessary to say that such a buzz is heard by anyone covering the ear in any way and making it a pavilion of the hand? »
( Carlo Romussi [4] )
The column is in marble with a Corinthian capital. It is indicated by different traditions as belonging to an imperial palace built by Massimiano at the end of the III century . [1]
According to news reported by Galvano Fiamma at the beginning of the fourteenth century the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire , on the occasion of the coronation as king of Italy , should have embraced the column; in a document dated 1507 it was indicated that it was the magistrates who had to go to the column on the occasion of their appointment. [2]
Me quedé embobada mirando la columna por mucho tiempo, el tiempo parecía detenerse  pero la lluvia caía sobre mi como arena de un reloj. 

Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio
Wiki sobre la iglesia:
One of the most ancient churches in Milan, it was built by St. Ambrose in 379–386, in an area where numerous martyrs of the Roman persecutions had been buried. The first name of the church was in fact Basilica Martyrum.
When St. Ambrose arrived in Milan, the local churches were in conflict with each other over the conflict between Arianism and the Nicene Creed as well as numerous local issues. He was firmly in support of the Nicene side of the conflict, and wanted to make northern Italy into a pro-Rome stronghold. He did this through both preaching and construction. He built three or four churches surrounding the city; Basilica Apostolorum (now San Nazaro in Brolo), Basilica Virginum (now San Simpliciano), and Basilica Martyrum (which was later renamed in his honor). A fourth church, Basilica Salvatoris (now San Dionigi) is attributed to him as well, but may not actually be from the 4th century. These churches were dedicated with anti-Arian language and as symbols of the wealth and power of the pro-Nicene faction in Milan.[2]
Tempio della Vittoria 

Aquella noche mi celular falló y ya me dio la manotada muriendo. Tuve que hacer milagros para que medio cargara. Al día siguiente fui a buscar por todo milan (bonita forma de tirar mi día entero)un celular decente pero primero debía cambiar dirhams a euros (Un timo enorme). Me compré un LGQ6 que estaba mejor que el samsung que tenía (3 años de viejito) y quería mucho. Las fotos nuevas eran wooow de buenas compradas con el Samsung. Me encantó. Regresé al hotel para almorzar y cargar el celular.

Mapa de mas o menos mi recorrido (Que di varias veces)

Aquí  compré el ceclular a 600AED. Mondadori megastore

Duomo di Milano Italy, Piazza del Duomo, 20122 Milano MI, Italy
Lastimosamente no pude entrar porque la fila era horrible y llovía, cuando terminó la lluvia cerraron. -_- para la próxima!!

 Wikipedia sobre la iglesia:
Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano Italian pronunciation: [ˈdwɔːmo di miˈlaːno]; Lombard: Domm de Milan Lombard pronunciation: [ˈdɔm de miˈlãː]) is the cathedral church of Milan, Lombardy, Italy. Dedicated to St Mary of the Nativity (Santa Maria Nascente), it is the seat of the Archbishop of Milan, currently Archbishop Mario Delpini. The cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete. It is the largest church in Italy (the larger St. Peter's Basilica is in the State of Vatican City) and the third largest in the world.[4]
Vittorio Emanuele II
 Wikipedia sobre el monumento:
The monument was commissioned to the Italian sculptor Ercole Rosa by Umberto I in 1878 after the death of his father in 1878 , but was placed in the center of the square only in 1896 as the sculptor died before finishing the monument that was finished by others and then officially inaugurated. In reality, the Rose officially won a competition to build a statue dedicated to Victor Emmanuel II in Vercelli , but in 1879 he was chosen by the same new sovereign to create the statue of Milan , a decidedly more prominent commission and greater appearance.The statue represents the king as he leads the soldiers in the battle of San Martino .
The equestrian statue is placed on a base in red granite surrounded by a staircase in white marble from which stands a further pedestal in Carrara marble decorated with a relief that depicts the entrance of the Piedmontese troops in Milan after the battle of Magenta , during the second war of independence in addition to branches of allegorical palms. On the front of the pedestal is the date «June 1859» to mark the king's entrance in Milan (June 8, 1859 ), while on the opposite side is the inscription «June 14, 1896» in reference to the inauguration date of the monument.


Me encantó la galería, muy bonita y lujosa, yo parecía ser la única andrajosa jajaja como para añadirle color :P jaja

Statua di Leonardo da Vinci, Piazza della Scala
 Wiki sobre la plaza y estatua:
Piazza della Scala is a pedestrian central square of Milan, Italy, connected to the main square of Milan, Piazza del Duomo, by the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II passage. It is named after the renowned Teatro alla Scala opera house, which occupies the north-western side of the square; the building actually includes both the opera house and the Museo Teatrale alla Scala (La Scala Museum), dedicated to the history of La Scala and opera in general. On the opposite side to "La Scala", to the south-east, is the facade of Palazzo Marino, Milan's city hall. Another relevant building on the square, on the north-eastern side, is the Palazzo della Banca Commerciale Italiana. The south-western side of the square has the entry to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele as well as Palazzo Beltrami. Most of the architecture of the square is due to architect Luca Beltrami, who designed the eponymous palace, the facade of Palazzo Marino, and the Banca Commerciale Italiana building. The centre of the square is marked by the monument of Leonardo da Vinci by sculptor Pietro Magni (1872).[1][2]

Me pareció bonito ;) 

Me encantó milan, fue como si hubiera por fin tocado con mis pies un piso que estaba prohibido, como si me hubieran permitido por fin hacer algo que quería y por fin había alcanzado la edad y el momento... pero había una magia ahí que me llamaba, que me susurraba al oído y la busqué, miré al cielo mil veces, miré en todos sitios y no la vi, se escondía de mi, no llegó y el último atardecer me iluminó en la plaza como si apenas me diese cuenta de que estaba allí y me diera la bienvenida. -_- era tarde y debía ir al hotel. No me fiaba de estar en la oscuridad en una gran ciudad y mucho menos sola. chao milan, chao... :(

Curioso que la belleza de tan hermosa ciudad no pudo borrar de mi interior la tristeza que cargaba. 

Al día siguiente fui a comprar jamones al supermercado barato y comida para mi viaje a Bergamo. Compré mi tiquete pero el tren se canceló y tuve que esperar un par de horas más. -_- Bergamo era mi última parada en Italia ... Aprovehé y comí un jamón con mi pelapapas jijijiji proteina!!!

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